Authentic by Frani | A Lovely Way To Be

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Lessons from October

This is what October taught me:

My Father knows me entirely, and yet, He chooses to stick around. (Continually amazed.)

The person you argue with the most is a person with a story. Be kind.

God ordains certain hardship so we can grow and choose to seek Him, knowing full well we can just as easily choose to run. There’s risk God takes in allowing pain.

I have the irrational fear that I won’t have enough, won’t be enough, won’t do enough. Key word: irrational.

No matter what, my Father provides for His own.

All those dreams I created to tweak my life, Jesus came in and crushed them. He wants better for me than mere convenience. He wants me to be ALL. IN.

I HAVE TO KEEP MOVING. Resting and coasting are two different things.

Impatience is a symptom of distrust.

The sunrise is actually a motivator to wake up early. (Also, coffee.)

Shame, guilt, and fear are the most toxic motivators. (I think you would call them manipulators, actually.)

The food I consume shockingly affects my life and wellness — both mentally and physically. (Who would’ve thought?)

I cannot internalize the mistakes of others. My job is to love intentionally, to listen, and to speak what is true, not to manipulate peoples’ decisions or make them feel inferior.

Anger (not to be confused with rage, mind you) reveals that something of value is being threatened. Be aware.

When bottled in, anger leads to resentment. When expressed, it leads to change.

“See. Wonder. Be amazed. For I am doing a work in your day that you would not believe if told.” -Habakkuk 1:5-


This is what October taught me.